Sunday, March 26, 2006The 3 Nice PigsOnce upon a time, there were 3 little pigs. For many years they lived with their parents in the barn, but the time has come for them to go out and live on their own. The siblings found an open field some distance from the barn on which to build their houses. The first pig was a farmer, and had nothing to build a house with. So it went back to the barn, carried a lot of straw to the field, and began building a house of straw. The second pig was a woodcutter, and could easily get for itself a load of sturdy wood to build a house with. But it didn't want the first pig to feel bad, so it too went back to the barn, carried a lot of straw to the field, and began building a house of straw. The third pig was a bricklayer, and knew many friends in the city from whom it could get a nice batch of bricks to build a house with. But it didn't want the first and second pigs to feel bad, so it went back to the barn, carried a lot of straw to the field (much to the chargrin of the parents, who had no straw left to sleep on), and began building a house of straw. Soon, the houses were complete, and the pigs moved in. It was nice and cozy, and the straw let the wind in on hot days. The pigs were happy and comfortable as long as it didn't rain (whenever it did, they went back to visit the parents). The idyllic existence was shattered with the news of a Big Bad Wolf, who emerged from the forest one sunny day. Terrified, all the animals went back to their homes, to wait until the Wolf had starved to death. After tangling with the skunk, the porcupine and the sparrow to no avail, the Wolf had a stomach-full of anger (满腹怨气). From a distance, he spots the pigs' houses, large and prominent in the middle of an open field. So he goes down to try his luck there. After 3 unsuccessful attempts at getting food the straight-forward way, the Wolf was ready to change his tactics. So he went up to the first pig's house and knocked on the door. "W-w-w-who's th-th-there?" the first pig stammered. "Room service," said the Wolf. There was a pause, then nervous laughter erupted from the first pig's house. Disappointed, the Wolf went to the second pig's house and knocked. "W-w-w-who's th-th-there?" the second pig stammered. The Wolf thought for a moment, then said, "Good day, sir! Could you please give me 10 minutes of your time? I'll like to give you a demonstration of our wonderful stain remover.." "Go away!" shouted the second pig. Disgruntled, the Wolf went to the third pig's house and knocked. "W-w-w-who's th-th-there?" the third pig stammered. "Delivery for you, sir. I'll need you to sign the receipt." "What is it?" The first thing that came to the Wolf's mind, "Char siew!" "**** off!" Frustrated, the Wolf went back to the first pig's house and shouted, "Alright, no more Mr. Nice Wolf! I give you three seconds to open your door, else I'll huff, and puff, and blow your house down!" "Over my dead body!" screamed the first pig. So the Wolf huffed, and puffed, and blew the house away, leaving 01 x scared pig cowering on the floor. After eating the first pig, the Wolf was still feeling hungry. So it went up to the second pig's house and shouted, "Open the damn door right now, or I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!" "Over my dead body!" screamed the second pig. So the Wolf huffed, and puffed, and blew the house away, leaving 01 x scared pig cowering on the floor. After eating the second pig, the Wolf was satiated. But it didn't intend to leave the third pig alone. After all, it's not everywhere that it finds easy prey like this! So it went up to the third pig's house and shouted, "Open up, you fat ass! Or I'll huff, and puff, and blow your house down!" "**** off!" screamed the third pig. Even though it was in no condition to huff and puff, being bloated with 2 pigs in its stomach, it nevertheless attempted to huff, and puff, and gave out an enormous belch which had the same effect, leaving 01 x scared and disgusted pig sitting on the floor belting out curses. Midway through the third pig, the Wolf's stomach couldn't take it anymore and burst. And the Wolf died painfully of internal bleeding. The End. Moral of the Story: Don't overeat. Saturday, March 25, 2006 I have made a pact with the devil Going once, going twice and down came the gavel A pound of rage for a pound of sadness We both agree it was done in all fairness For rage is easier than sadness to bear For one who tends too much to care Where sadness weakens, rage empowers And works to make sure one never cowers But trades with the devil are always skewed Swindles in his diabolical mind brewed You'll end up paying more than you bargained Eventually you'll have nothing remained But still I made the pact with the devil Went once, went twice and down came the gavel A pound of rage for more than just sadness A rash decision, and now regret endless Thursday, March 23, 2006 Tris wonders this question: Well, my reply turned out rather long, and therefore totally inappropriate for the tagboard. In fact, it's so long I might not manage to finish it before I go for classes. In which case I'll carry on tonight. Which must make you wonder, what am I going to say, that takes so long? Well, I've always had a problem putting my ideas into words, so the length of this is merely a reflection of my clumsy ways with words. Nobody is perfect. Everybody has flaws. Whoever it is, there'll be some things you like about them and some things you don't (which might not be immediately apparent). In other words, there'll be reasons to hate her and reasons to love her. So when you love somebody, it'll be definitely be because of something she is. But that's not enough. Because, if this is all that love is, then there is nothing that separates love from admiration. And what happens when the flaws of the person you claim to love are revealed? Admiration stops right here. Admiration does not cover flaws. But love does, love accepts the flaws, and in so doing becomes stronger. Damn, I'm outta time. Do you catch my drift, Tris? Love is both because of who they are AND in spite of who they are. But what I think really defines love is when we love them in spite of who they are, it is only then that we can use the word Love to describe our feelings for them. Wednesday, March 22, 2006 Got this from Liyong's blog..
Today's Virgo Horoscope: Certain complicated experiences can be unnerving, but they can also be equally stimulating as long as you make an effort to remain open to what they have to offer. Stay aware and alert to the possible life lessons of this situation. I'm amused. Tuesday, March 21, 2006 Seems like I'm very free.. not! Not enough time to play games but enough time to watch one MTV! Monday, March 20, 2006 分手已从一个可能变成一个事实。 他,双手插进口袋,垂着头,漫步回家。 他,耸一耸肩,拨电给Sally,问道:“今晚有空吃饭吗?” 他,独自坐在漆黑的房间里发呆。 他,享受着好友的陪伴,笑得比平常还灿烂。 他,翻着日记,相簿,不知该哭还是笑,该保存还是丢掉。 他,尽情狂欢,喝得烂醉,被朋友抬回家。 他,无法面对没有她的未来,不肯起床。 他,无法忍受剧烈的头痛与昏眩,不肯起床。 他,宛如行尸走肉,糊涂地度过了一天。 逃避?我已忘记了爱你的事实。 我依旧感到空虚,但不知为何。 我依旧觉得迷惘,但不知为何。 我依旧黯然落泪,但不知为何。 或许,逃避并不是办法? 只是我无法承受面对现实的痛。 所以,每天莫名地忍受着隐隐的痛, 好过清醒地面对一次排山倒海的痛。 Sunday, March 19, 2006 Thursday, March 16, 2006 Decisions, decisions, decisions. How to make decisions for Dummies
We're all growing older, making more and more decisions, and more and more important decisions. Sometimes it is so hard to make a decision. But don't fret so much, just make the best possible decision when the time comes. The best possible decision, given what you know at that point in time. It is most important to have no regrets, even if the decision turns out to be wrong, I think. Wednesday, March 15, 2006 Can't seem to get any work done today. Nah, not true, spent the whole afternoon slogging over my recitation. But now I'm staring at my tutorial and I don't feel like writing a word. And I realise I'm blogging in Jiahui's style. Erm, I'll go disturb other people. Tuesday, March 14, 2006 Just to share the good news with everyone.. ![]() Friday, March 10, 2006 A meaningful quote from Lieutenant General Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin, corps commander in charge of the defence at Cassino during World War II: "What will be the judgement of history on those of us who had the perspicacity and integrity to recognise that defeat was inescapable, yet continued to fight and shed blood?" To know that defeat was inevitable, to fight in the name of the nation but in actuality for a man whom they despise, to delay the Allies while allowing the dreaded Soviet forces to make further inroads into Germany. Yet to carry out orders to the letter, to continue to execute their duties with professionalism. It takes such courage to bear it. Not just the generals, but the men huddled in their trenches and bunkers at the front line as well. I deeply respect them. I never did post this song.. I heard it when I was real young.. I think it was sometime in primary school, the theme song for a Taiwanese drama. I hope to sing it to someone in future.. and I hope that someone will sing it to me too. If that someone ever appears. 歌曲:希望 歌手:王杰 专辑:英雄泪 词:陈大力 曲:陈大力 陈秀男 我把我的爱交给了你 希望你不要嫌它少 少少的言语浓浓的情 都在我的眼睛里 我把我的梦交给了你 希望你不要嫌它小 小小的梦想不会太远 这就是我的诺言 希望世间能有永远 希望真情不会改变 世上没有伤心人 岁岁年年到永远 我把我一生交给了你 希望你能和我一起珍惜 长长的一生慢慢地走 这就是我的全部 我把我的梦交给了你 希望你不要嫌它少 少少的梦想不会改变 这就是我的诺言 希望世间能有永远 希望真情不会改变 世上没有伤心人 岁岁年年到永远 我把我一生交给了你 希望你能和我一起珍惜 长长的一生慢慢地走 这就是我的全部 长长的一生慢慢地走 这就是我的全部 Wednesday, March 08, 2006 The Moth and the FlameA fable that is not for the faint-heartedOne fine evening (for moths are nocturnal creatures) the moth was flitting happily along when suddenly it heard, "Hey, moth!" Puzzled, it looked around for the source of the call, which turned out to be very easily found -- a flame, sitting pretty in mid-air (don't ask why, this is a fable) some distance below it. "Good day to you," said the moth (for they're real polite creatures, especially to strangers), "And what are you doing in mid-air?" (It asked. so don't you) "You're a fine, handsome moth," and the moth blushed, for it's never been praised before (moths have short lives, and they don't waste it on praise), "And I'll like to make friends! Would you like to make friends with me?" The flame took a step (reminder: this is supposed to be a fable) towards the moth. The moth was puzzled (moths have short lives, and no time for friends). What was this flame trying to do? It was attracted by the bright, dancing, radiant flame. After, it's never seen the sun (doesn't know what the sun is) before, and it's never seen such a bright, colourful creature, a creature so full of energy, before in its entire short life. Without knowing it, it floated a little closer to the flame. However, moths are clever creatures, having evolved over the generations (lots of lots of them, on account of them having such short lives). Besides, it heard from Momma that Grandpa went after a flame and never returned (after it and Gramma had Momma, thankfully). So it remained wary. "What's a friend?" it asked innocently. "Well, why don't you let me show you?" With that the flame took another step towards the moth. The moth was feeling 'warm and fuzzy', in its own words. Not an unpleasant feeling, a feeling that it's never felt like this before, and it decided that it actually liked this feeling. So it flits a little closer to the flame, again unconscious of its own actions. Its tiny brain is quite unable to cope with the ramifications of this event, but it is still sufficently evolved to still regard the flame with caution. "My momma told me, uh, never to go near flames. (Did my momma know what it's talking about, now? I don't see the harm, honestly.)" "And why would that be? I'm just a simple, unarmed flame. What could I do to you?" Another step towards the moth. If the moth could sweat, it would be sweating rivers by now (and die of dehydration, first). The moth was still trying to understand the situation (or rather, we're still hoping for it to do so). Actually, it thinks things are pretty much after control. 'After all,' it tells itself happily, 'at the first sign of trouble I'll just flit away on my powerful wings. The flame will never be able to catch up, ha!' Now, since the flame seems friendly.. The moth flies to the flame. And with a sudden glare and a soft whoosh the moth is no more. The flame sighs. Just like the ones before. They all come close, then suddenly, they disappear. Into thin air. Without even saying goodbye, how rude. It is so lonely being a flame, it could never find any lasting friends. Even other flames, they don't last as long as it does (because they don't try to make friends with moths). So it continues on its lonely search for a friend. The End. Moral of the story: Moths have short lives. Tuesday, March 07, 2006 Happened upon a few good old songs while I was trawling the net: 舞月光 歌手:伍思凯 专辑:舞月光 爱情是一条漫漫寂寞路 恋人个个感到无辜 孤独的灵魂习惯了独舞 踩不出和谐双人舞步 你想要逃时他开始追逐 他孤注一掷你开始怕输 用情越刻骨越像在迷途 爱神不轻易赐给人幸福 爱情是一座荒芜的花圃 恋人个个掩面而哭 相遇的人呀若只是过路 别吝啬打个美丽招呼 相爱的人呀若愿意共渡 丢一颗种子入尘土 荒野之上红艳奔放 不看沧桑只问痴狂 天在天上人在人旁 忙去夕阳舞月光 你爱谁 歌手:伍思凯 专辑:分享 每次你在想着谁 就解下了头发任风吹 沉默脸上淌着泪 连哭了都没感觉 我想知道他是谁 可是问到嘴边就后悔 在这温柔的长夜 何必让你流泪 每次你若爱过谁 就剪短了头发到耳垂 消瘦脸庞眼眶黑 我看了都会心碎 从不问你他是谁 就怕泄漏心事不自觉 在这温柔的长夜 让你发现我流泪 苦恋的人们都想醉 一触动了心就唉唉唉唉 输了爱情失去一切 却不知道输给谁 苦恋的人们都无悔 一沾上了爱就唉唉唉唉 就算充满了苦与悲 也不会告诉谁 唉… Buddhists believe in karma. The chinese term for karma, loosely translated, means "cause and effect". It explains karma very succintly: it refers to the belief that whatever happens, happens for a reason. What you encounter, experience, is a direct or more often indirect result of your own thoughts and actions. Direct results are easy to prove. If you anger somebody, and he punches you, your experience of pain and injury is a direct result of you angering the person who causes hurt to you. Indirect results are more complicated. Maybe you did something nice for a friend and he tells somebody else. Then that somebody else begins to respect you, and treats you nicely. That is a simple example of indirect cause and effect. Buddhists believe that this has a significant influence on every person's life and the experiences and encounters he has. This has filtered loosely into mainstream chinese culture. "我一定是上辈子欠了你" ("I must have owed it to you in my past life) is one expression sometimes heard. Good deeds will always be rewarded. Since Buddhists believe in reincarnation as well, the idea of karma has been extended to cover past lives and future lives. Meaning, if you do something good now, you might not reap the rewards in this life, but in your next life. Or your next next life. Basically, karma will not owe you rewards. Nor punishments. So next time, before you get angry or upset over something someone did to you, reflect on what you have done to deserve it. It is almost always something you did, that caused what happened, unless it's karma left over from your past lives (convenient explanation, isn't it!) for which payment is due now. If it's something good, keep it up! If it's something bad, then please don't repeat your mistakes again. Monday, March 06, 2006 Feeling wise today.. Said some things which I thought were pretty meaningful. Hope it helped make him feel better. Listening to other people's problems makes me feel that my own are so insignificant, so trivial they shouldn't even qualify as problems. So, in a strange way, I do feel better. But I still wish everyone could be happier, could be less troubled. Actually people know what they have to do, myself included. So I don't really have to say much, just affirm, encourage. So sometimes I need someone to do that for me, too. Thankfully there's always someone around. Home was wonderful. The only place where I'm sure I'm loved for who I am, nothing more, nothing less. Well not quite the only place, but some friends are so, so far away. Well, now it's back to the real world, where things are not always quite what they seem to be, where traps and pitfalls abound. I'm ready for it. For now, sleep. And a very early morning tomorrow to finish my tutorial. Thursday, March 02, 2006 Feeling a little low tonight.. For no good reason, as usual. It's a vicious cycle again, because there's tons of work to do and do NOW, and I don't feel like doing it, so I feel lethargic, then I feel bad for feeling lethargic, and therefore I feel even more lethargic etc etc etc That's why I'm blogging now. Trying to delay starting work, just for a little while more. Feel tired but don't feel like sleeping. Because sleep wouldn't solve my fatigue. I remember someone once said, the more luck you have in love the less luck you have in gambling. I think that can be expanded to include luck in everything else, as well. It is the law of conservation of luck. Well I've been lucky to make it through the past 2 weeks with barely a scratch (except yesterday, when I scratched my finger trying to dig a straw out of a coke can). 3 mid-term tests in the midst of manic preparation for Sheares Productions and I scraped through with higher-than-expected results. I don't want to jinx myself, but if I had to choose I think I'll take the 1st-class honours, thank you very much! Now that the hall committees are closing, captains and committee chairpersons are all busy hunting for successors for the next year. Yesterday, the Hockey captain talked to me about becoming Hockey captain next year. He asked me to give him an answer by tomorrow night. Even though it looks as if there'll be no more Hockey IHG next year, the sports captains' interview is next week and someone has to take over Hockey. Although, if Hockey is abolished in favour of floorball next year, the post of Hockey captain will just evaporate, it is nevertheless a big decision to take up the captain-ship, because our captain this year has set the standards real high, and the pressure will be on me to do even better than he did. That's why I'm very hesitant about taking up the role. But I do want to do something for the team, do something to avenge the humiliating defeats we suffered this year (which were partly my fault, for under-performing), and there's no better way than to lead the team. I need some opinions here.. Did anyone know that you can actually see the sea from the Arts canteen? I suddenly miss the beach, miss the SeaEx during OBS, miss the salty smell of the sea, the gentle mummur of the waves. Anyone fancy a trip to the beach? Wednesday, March 01, 2006 I simply had to lift this off rJ's blog, it's so beautiful! Thanks rJ. 你 一切还没开始,一切已经结束。 而我,只能用一丝微笑带过。 你像云朵,在我的空中飘过。 你像闪电,在我的空中划过。 你亦像彩虹,在我的空中出现过。 留下的, 是无法忘怀的过去。 是无人能代替的位置。 也是比永久更永久的回忆。 你留下的, 欢笑多过泪水, 快乐多过痛苦, 幸福多过悲伤。 我为你, 在我的心里留下了一个位置, 一个永远,永远,只属于你的位置。 不管以后日子变得多么平淡, 多么无趣, 多么忙碌, 又或是变得多么精彩, 多么有趣, 这个位置, 我永远为你保留。 因为你曾经是我生活里的一部分。 因为你带给我的是特别的一部分。 因为你给予我的,是没有任何一个人给过的。 因为我曾经真心的付出过, 因为我曾经真心的爱过。 所以, 即使我们的故事没有结局, 即使你无法陪我走到最后, 即使从今以后,你不再会是那个听我诉苦的人, 即使这样, 每当我想起你的时候, 我知道,你在我心中始终有个位置。 也知道,你偶尔也会想起我。 即使一切已成为过去, 即使我们无法再回头, 我从不后悔。 从相识,到相知, 我从不后悔。 希望你以后, 会过得幸福。 也希望, 我在你的心中, 也会有一个小小的位置。 因为, 我真心的付出过。 因为, 我真心的爱过。 爱过... ... 你。 Strange dream last night: I dreamt of MH for the first time in my entire life. Then when I woke up and checked my calendar I realised that it was his birthday yesterday! Still, it's such a strange reason for dreaming of someone.. Happy Birthday MH! Proof that I always do the right thing: I skipped maths tutorial today, and LY just messaged to say that the tutor fly aeroplane. Good omen, this. And since XL wants me to do this, so I shall. 4 things/people that make me smile: 1. wit 2. irony 3. my good deed(s) for the day 4. Douglas Adams 4 ways to win my heart 1. be nice to me 2. .. and to everyone else (but extra nice to me, lah) 3. love animals 4. sing like an angel 4 things I believe: 1. In the long run everything turns out right (maybe because in the long run everyone's dead) 2. 人之初,性本善 3. Problems left alone will not solve themselves (instead they'll fester and rot) 4. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger 4 things I'm afraid of 1. Being alone (not physically, but emotionally) 2. Handshakes 3. Flying cockroaches 4. Disappointing others 4 things/people I wanna see right now 1. Windz 2. JQ 3. Home! I didn't go home last weekend :( 4. £735,000 4 people who should also do this 1. My dear granddaughter 2. Windz 3. LY 4. PF |
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