Thursday, December 27, 2007 If you have a Gmail account, check your filters and make sure that there are no suspicious ones. It appears that Gmail had a vulnerability that allowed hackers to insert malicious filters if you visit an 'evil' site while logged on to Gmail. That vulnerability has since been fixed, but if the filter is already there, it is still there and potentially forwarding your important emails to a hacker. Read it from Lifehacker, original article here. Enjoying my time in London so far, but the internet connection here is wonky, and I'm out most of the time (and also futilely trying to complete Hellgate London on Windz's computer before I leave), so I'm not online often. I haven't had much time to think about anything, either, so not much to blog here. And I'm lazy to type out everything I've done here so far (also, that's not the point of this blog). Watching the Chelsea - Aston Villa match just now was wonderful, and I'm almost tempted to write a match report. =P It was full of drama, with 8 goals, 3 red cards, 2 penalties, and lots of determination on both sides. Well worth the 53 pounds! Will be off to Wales, Liverpool and Manchester for the next 4 days. I'm driving again! Everyone's pretty happy to make me chief driver, even though my driving actually sucks. This road trip actually promises to be more fun than the previous one, because this time we have a packed car -- 3 guys and 2 girls! Ironically this time we didn't expect 5, so we rented a small car; the exact opposite of my previous one, where we expected 5 and rented a HUGE car and ended up with only 3. Monday, December 24, 2007 Life is full of unseen currents. I went in search of one, foolishly thinking that I could free my friend from its clutches. No surprise that I was swept away by it instead. It's not about the effort. Of course not. If one insists on pushing at a door that can only be pulled, the effort is meaningless. I'm not good with words. Have never been. And so many things cannot be said. So I went and tried to lend a shoulder to my friend's burden, despite the staggering weight already on my back. I hoped to help him stand up straight and stiffen his back. I was under the false impression that sharing the burden makes it lighter for everyone. Now, I carry yet another stone on my back, yet another need to take sides and say, "You're right and he's wrong", even if it's never that clear-cut. As for my own stones? I've to carry them for a while longer. The heaviest stone, I guess I can throw away any time. But it's actually an egg, not just any old stone, and I'm still hoping that it'll hatch one day. Because, if it does, it will be beautiful. That's why, despite the weight, I'm stubbornly holding on to it. Although, in the near future, if nothing happens, I'm really going to let it go. And it will not be a question of whether that is right or wrong, but "What took you so long?". Despite the gloomy tone of the above, I'm enjoying my London trip thus far! Things have been great and I'm enjoying the company of good friends, even if I end up carrying stones with them (who asked me to volunteer?). I'm continuing my tradition of spontaneous adventures, and we've rented a car and are driving to Wales from Thursday onwards. No Spain, no Italy, no Vienna, maybe no Germany either but that's ok, it just means that I really must come back again someday. Thursday, December 20, 2007 Sometimes the dreams are just so good, that I wish they weren't just dreams.. Wednesday, December 19, 2007 I just survived a computer graphics exam without a calculator.. haha. Now I hope I did enough to survive. I'm totally not in the mood for exams, luckily the ones here are easier and give a lot more time (5 hours per exam!). One more to go.. Tuesday, December 18, 2007 In that sense, I'm spoilt, for having the attitude that what I want will still come to me even if I do nothing about it. The actual truth is, nobody can be depended upon to give one what one wishes, like a fairy godmother does. Therefore one has to actively pursue what one desires. But when it comes to relationships, or basically anything involving more than just oneself, things become more complicated. The feelings of the other involved parties must be considered also. Then part of the challenge is to find out what each person wants; another part of the challenge is to find the common goal/compromise, that makes as many people as happy as possible. What am I rambling about? It's bedtime now and I've got a shitload to do tomorrow, and for the rest of the week. Just have to get through this week, then at least I won't have to worry about any more academic stuff until next year. Monday, December 17, 2007 Honestly, I'm a disaster waiting to happen. I care too much yet can't be bothered to do anything about things at all. It's all a simple matter of reaping what I sow: what I get is proportional to the amount I put in, so if I wanna go and have high hopes for things then I gotta have the will and persistence to do whatever it takes to realise my hopes. But I'm really disappointed with the graphics project because it didn't even come up to half of what I imagined. And hoped. The parts I did came out ok, but everything else was just a letdown. I think any of us could have done a better job by himself. What upsets me is not so much what the others did or did not do, but that I just did what I was given to do and basically did not even think about the project after I'd handed over my part. I am reminded of a realisation I had in the army, that there were some people whom I could not trust with anything less than my life, because they would not treat anything less with any importance, and would ruin it as a result. Haiz. Whatever. My mind has been foggy for the past few days, I can't seem to think clearly or express myself clearly. So I've been hiding in my room, doing nothing in particular, and even when I did meet friends I was quiet and withdrawn and yearning to be back in my 'cave'. Although feeding the ducks was great fun. =) I wished you were here, too, to see the ducks clustered round, craning their necks, waiting for bread. To see them converge on the thrown bread, and the winner zipping off with the prize in his beak, dodging as the other ducks try to peck it from his beak. To see them jealously peck the ducks who got the bread, or who are sitting in prime positions. To see an impatient duck step on my foot to make me give it bread. To see them half waddle, half skid across the frozen pond surface. To hear their contented quacks as they settled down around me to digest their breakfast. Maybe, you'll come here next year and see for yourself, even though Uppsala isn't really a stop on any round-Europe trip. Sunday, December 16, 2007 ![]() Wednesday, December 12, 2007 Another interesting article from Lifehacker: Mood Foods. Introduces some food to have to counteract negative moods, as well as some food for common ailments. Worth a try, I guess. Tuesday, December 11, 2007 ![]() Other than for a few 'duh' traits and repetitions, I'd say this is pretty accurate. Try it too. =) Thursday, December 06, 2007 Just before I leave for class: here's an article I picked up from Lifehacker Unhappy? Self-Critical? Maybe You’re Just a Perfectionist ![]() I think he's more likely to blow his brains out. =P Nothing beats face-to-face conversations. I'm going to relegate MSN to minor stuff only. Wednesday, December 05, 2007 ![]() I like this song. =) 周华健 - 健忘 词:陈静楠 曲:潘协庆 你笑我除了记性什么都好 我想想也不算太糟糕 你生日几月几号我知道 只是你几岁 没那么重要 我觉得我的心思够用就好 才不想储存太多烦恼 只要能和你一起相守到老 我会把幸福 都写成小抄 我可能忘了生气也忘了坏心情 却记得要逗你开心 曾有过什么风雨 我很难记得仔细 只有甜蜜 加倍甜蜜 我常常忘了休息常忘了我自己 只记得别让你担心 没有你那么聪明 我怎么活到如今 忘了一切 没有关系 我有你 Tuesday, December 04, 2007 ![]() Saturday, December 01, 2007 Why must things end up like that? Why does a rational person, one who's given me sound advice before, be so unable to cope with his own problems? There comes a point when a person should wake up and realise the infinite wisdom behind the saying "There's no use crying over spilt milk." It's frustrating to see him in the depths of darkness, and digging himself even deeper. It's frustrating to have absolutely no idea what to do to help. |
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