一人で日本へ行くの法がいいかな… Too used to having my way already, having to accommodate and compromise seems to be discounting my own travel experience. But ultimately I should be grateful to them for asking me along. Maybe my next trip shall be with someone who can better appreciate what Japan has to offer, beyond the typical tourist attractions.
don't close it, please. i like it. i like the way you write too, it seems to be from the soul, almost as a journal entry that you are pretending no one can read. i imagine you writing it on a train somewhere, flying through the asain countryside on one of those really fast trains, sitting staring at the poeple across from you, and then glancing away. what can you say that japan has to offer...other than the stupid tourist attractions. tourist attractions are allways... what you should see. funny tho cause what you have seen ironicaly is what you should've seen. idk, keep it going project person. iam'a check up on you.... laters