I have always been quietly confident of my 'latent' abilities, if times of crisis occur. When the shit hits the fan, I thought, I'll be there with a raincoat and an umbrella. Well the truth is that raincoats and umbrellas will not stop the shit from getting everywhere, and stinking the whole place up. What I mean is, I shouldn't wait for the shit and fan to meet, I should be doing all I can to prevent them from meeting. And anyway I might not be as strong as I imagined. After all when's the last time I even managed to simply accomplish everything that I set out to do, whether for the day, week, month or year?
Anyway, if I'm going to find a way out of this current mess, I've got to start drawing on whatever reserves I'm supposed to have, buckle down and start doing work instead of spending so much time on Facebook and Kongregate, and watching anime and Jdrama.