While trawling the internet for research, I came across this Brochure for the Efficient Reading of Papers in Science and Technology. In just 2 pages, it provides a rather good summary of the technique to read academic papers in general, not just in science and technology. Since we're not explicitly taught how to read papers in school, I think this small brochure is helpful to everyone, even those who might consider themselves good at reading papers (there might be some tips to improve your paper-reading skills).
By the way, anyone know of any papers detailing studies into paper research behavior? I'm looking for numbers like citations encountered vs papers read (eg. you read a paper and it has 20 references, how many of those referred papers do you end up reading?) and papers read vs papers cited (ie. out of all the papers you read, how many do you end up citing in your own report?). Let me know if you have access to such a paper, thanks.