It was my natural reaction, both as a guy and as an impatient person, to want to up the ante, speed things up, after some threatening facts were revealed to me. Luckily I sought advice from the correct people, and they kept my head firmly on my shoulders. On hindsight they are right: the new facts don't change anything. It's like running or swimming a race -- everyone has his own lane, and worrying about what the other runners/swimmers are doing does more harm than good. I just have to focus on myself and what I am doing, and do them to the best of my ability. The result is determined by some 'greater power' that I have no control over. So, here's all the best to everyone involved.
Long time no see. Good to know you're still surrounded by friends who keep you sane and grounded, too bad I haven't been one of them in the longest time.
We should go out sometime so I can see your photos before I leave, heh.