Often people in high positions in industry turn out to be born under the sign of Virgo. In power, however, Virgos sometimes have trouble getting along with their coworkers. They have difficulty communicating their displeasure without being biting and critical. If a Virgo boss thinks John acted badly at the office party, he may call him on the carpet, saying something like "John, you acted like a perfect idiot last Friday night. This behavior of yours is pathological. You had seventeen Scotches." Diplomatic, Virgos are not. But their ability to analyze complex situations is at the least astute.
So, maybe I should just keep my thoughts about others to myself, huh? Or at least find some other outlet for them. =P It's easy to forget that this is a public blog and that quite a fair number of the people I care about (and therefore the ones I'm bothered enough to write about, whatever I can't say to their faces) read this. Oh yah hi everyone and hope you're doing fine. =)