Finally managed to get back from Estonia yesterday morning, one day later than expected. It's been a trip where literally everything that could go wrong went wrong, but we still managed to have fun.
However this trip blew my travelling budget way out of the water, so I'm forced to go on a diet in a bid to scrounge up a bit more money for further travels. A diet is good, anyway, because I think I'm getting chubby.
Temperatures here are steadily sneaking their way down the scale, and we're getting 4-6 minutes less of sunlight everyday. When I first got here it was still bright as day at 9pm, now it's already dark before 7pm. Some trees have caught on and are shedding their leaves, while others are still a brilliant green. The contrast is beautiful, and sadly pictures do not do them justice.
Already it has been more than a month since I got here, and I only have 3 and a half months more to go. Hope everyone's doing ok.