The Human Instrumentality Project

Monday, August 06, 2007

Sigh. And double sigh.

Treated the family to Crystal Jade yesterday. The xiao long bao at Suntec was substandard, but the noodles were ok. The parents seemed appreciative but they didn't enjoy the food as much as I hoped they would. What's the point of eating expensive food, then, if it doesn't bring more enjoyment than cheaper food? Still, my parents only step into restaurants for weddings and my treats, my intention was to let them enjoy the experience. Though I wonder, if it matters to them where they eat, or is it just me trying to make myself feel better?

Sometimes we try to help, or to make someone happy, from the wrong direction. In our misguided and mistaken attempts to make things better, we do things that make no difference to those who we care for, or sometimes make things worse instead. It's a pretty tragic thing, because how are we to know, unless someone tells us? Maybe that's where the saying "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" comes from. Just like in the recently concluded serial 争分夺秒 (which is actually quite good Windz, just that it gets draggy at some places), the girl, who was mentally ill and suffered from delusions, did things to try and help her man, to save him. However all she ended up doing is cause a lot of trouble for her man, and cause the whole problem to escalate unnecessarily, eventually causing her man to go insane and get himself killed. While the things we do are (hopefully!) not of such terminal consequences, and while none of us suffer from delusions of that extent, we nevertheless unknowingly, innocently, with all 'good intentions', do the wrong thing.

Just say everything out, right, and when we know how each other thinks everything will be ok? But life is more complicated than that, sometimes we don't know what to say, sometimes we don't know how to say it, sometimes we cannot say. Hard not to get jaded with life, huh? ;-)

Only the insecure constantly seek affirmation and encouragement. A person has to be more confident in his judgement and his decisions, in the absent of contrary evidence. A journey made in hesitation is as doomed to failure as a journey not made; if any steps must be taken, let them be big, firm, steady ones.

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