If my parents' utter lack of tact is genetically inheritable, I'm not going to have any children. Um, lemme add their utter lack of empathy too. Now I remember why I hared off to hall in the first place. I mean, it's not like I'm dangling raw nerves all over the floor, or that I've got a stack of chips on each of my shoulders, but they fire nerve-seeking, chip-seeking missiles that can hit at any time, over the smallest things. I think it's better for everyone if we see each other just once a week.
P.S. lemme just clarify that I love my parents. They have always done their best for me and my bro and often treat us like princes. But some of the things they say are just plain silly and absurd. And 3 months of it is about as much as I can stand, and I can't wait to be in Sweden.