Finally took the time to sort out my hamster photos, taken using my new Canon A570IS. So here's a selection of them:
The baby hamster must have been a panda in the past life -- Tare Panda (趴地熊). The whole family adores this little one. And although it's not very young already, it still takes its cues from its mother, and does everything that the mother does. It is timid and hyperactive and is always scrambling some place or other. It is even scared of food, and will scramble away from pieces of fruit that we put in. My mom calls it 'xiao ding dong'.
The little one is used to leaning against the mother when it sleeps, and without the support it'll topple.
We just cleaned their cage and they like the clean wheel so much they've taken to sleeping in it:
The poor father got segregated, because we didn't want any more babies (out of 8 batches, only that 1 survived. Even my mum got sick of the heartbreaks). We try to keep it company more. Here I opened its toilet to get a better shot.