Sorrie for hopping away from MSN so suddenly, but I needed time to myself to think. Read Windz's post about faith and alchemy, and it just got me thinking..
Can guess what's bothering him lah, why the talk about Fire and Water. Expected something like that to crop up sooner or later, also. But I have faith (yes, Windz, I do!) that it'll be sorted out eventually, as long as Fire and Water make the effort. After all coexistence is all about adjustment, just like how we all adjust ourselves to coexist with society (and vice versa, though that's less noticeable). A first-time cook tends to overdo things. (Suddenly doubt whether I'm on the right track, so I'll stop here, haha)
And I think and I think and my brain does a breadth-first search and suddenly there're so many leaf nodes that I've lost my original train of thought. Haha.