One hour away from submission deadline for Iteration 2 of MAJOR PROGRAMMING HEADACHE. Most things are done and we're all stuffed into CCT's room doing fire-fighting. CCT and S are doing the testing, and we're all on standby. Everytime there's a error in the tests, they'll figure out whose code is causing the error, then the guy will get very busy. When I started this post, I was free. Then, I got busy.. =P
So now, the deadline is over and what we've got is what we've got. It's like a caterpillar walk, the group moves only as fast as the slowest guy in the caterpillar. And even if the faster ones push harder, the caterpillar doesn't move much faster.
Well, theoretically we can make up for it on our final submission, 2 weeks away, but judging by the progress thus far.. =S