Monday, February 05, 2007 2 posts in one day! Wow. It's just that I'm on Linux now. Just reinstalled it last night, because I screwed it up badly the 1st time (I tend to screw all 1st times up badly, but that's another story for another day). Running updates now, without having installed any additional stuff. Which includes MSN Messenger, ntfs mount drivers, games.. All I have is the Internet, so I've been reading blogs, including many that I have not visited for a while. Seems like people are all having their problems and sad moments, and the blog is a good place to put them up, like talking to a pseudo-good friend, in this time and age when real friends are no longer available on demand. I do quite a bit of it too, putting my grouses on public domain, even though there are friends around, but I don't want to impose on them lah, they can come here and read my troubles when they have the time.. and just a simple post from any one of them telling me to cheer up does cheer me up. =) Just went for a run. I did the A1 route without walking or stopping! Considering I haven't been running for almost a month, plus this is the 1st time I managed the A1 route without even walking, I think I'm justified to be a little prouder of myself. For the uninitiated, the A1 route follows the NUS bus service A1, a gruelling 4.8km hell-zone of ups and downs. Which brings to mind all that's wrong with me. I don't often mention my problem of hyperhidrosis (the link leads to some basic information on the condition, not authoritative but generally true). Sure, I get sweaty palms when I'm nervous, so does everyone else. What is disturbing is the times when my palms and feet sweat and I'm not nervous. I could be reading a book, watching a movie (romance/comedy even), watching performances, listening to a boring lecturer.. The palms sweat and make a mess of my notes, my laptop, my bag. Those I can deal with: clean my bag and laptop frequently, use scratch paper on top of notes and exam scripts. Handshakes are another problem, it's hard to give a good impression with a clammy handshake. Let's not even talk about dancing. What's more embarassing is the scalp sweat. Hyperhidrosis doesn't always cause normal sweat, that's mainly water and salts. My sweat is more viscous, it's very oily and it stinks. Sometimes I step out of a bath smelling nice, within a few minutes I start sweating, and I morph back into an irritated skunk. Enough about that. L came back for the CMB concert, which, by the way, was smashing. The amount of work everyone put in is amazing, and it all pays off. Anyway L was asking about some of the girls and me, and it's like that lor. See each other, smile and wave or say hi. I'm honestly tired of all the rs bs. I'm really taking some time off to focus on other people who mean a lot to me, especially my family. And the friends whom I hope will stay with me throughout my life's journey (so sorry I couldn't meet some of you today, but I couldn't make the time). Everything else and everyone else can wait till I come back from Sweden next year. People, of course, will and should move along; I don't think I'm worth waiting for, yet. To alvinny, 赠你一句话: 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。 Don't worry about it, you'll know when you meet the girl meant for you, and you'll know what to do then. =) What goes up must come down; I was high for the entire day, now comes the period not of sadness, but of sobriety. Of deep reflections and honest answers. Now let me hit publish before I regret it. Don't bother reading this, it's embarassing.
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