Yesterday was traumatic.. I had an assignment due yesterday. I intended to study this week so I cleared it last Friday -- a little too easily. Smelling a rat, I posted a question on the forum asking if something was wrong if I solved it so easily. Yesterday afternoon the lecturer finally deigned to reply that, yes, something was probably wrong with what I had. I took a look and alamak, I was missing a lotta brackets which made my proofs trivially true.
So I spent the entire afternoon and the entire night working feverishly at the damn thing, throwing my painfully crafted schedule out the window. And I still didn't manage to complete the stupid thing. I ended up submitting the thing online minus 1 proof out of 7.
Trying to catch up on 6 hours of lost studying time in 1 day (i.e. today) is proving impossible.. After 2 hours I don't know what I'm reading anymore. That's why I'm taking a break now.
Serves me right for taking my 1st Level 3000 module all by myself..