Positive feedback is a tad over-rated. A smile is enough to keep me going for quite a while.
In less than 24 hours Windz will be on his way back to the UK. Our busy schedules this year meant we didn't really get a chance to meet up and chat much.. I'll definitely miss him, but I hope he'll make good use of his 3rd year abroad and enjoy his time there! regarding some things I have been less than honest.. I apologise, but I'm not ready to say anything out loud yet.. I supposed you did guess something was up ba.. but I'm still sorry that I wasn't completely honest with you.. hope you understand..
Being a captain is not as easy as some people made it out to be. Sure, I expected it to be tough, and I'd hoped that I was still up to the task. Now it turns out that things are a bit tougher than expected, and I fall short of my expectations (and maybe that of others as well). Who can teach me how to be a good captain? Who can tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how I can do it right/better?