The Human Instrumentality Project

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I had a great Valentine's Day! So many things happen to warm my heart and make me smile -- any 1 would have been enough for a day! This is probably the happiest Valentine's I've had in 21 years!

Went up to the 5th floor after midnight in search of a bicycle, and though I couldn't find one (its tyre was punctured), I got 2 chocolates in return! The first presents I received, and from 2 chio bus no less!

And in the morning, I sent a Happy Valentine's Day message to ying, and received a very heart-warming message in return. You actually still remember me ar, so sorry I haven't talked to you since Christmas Eve.. And I still owe you a report! Now I feel so guilty.. maybe I'll treat you to a nice dinner..!

I don't know what made me suggest the gift exchange with YJ and LY.. I'd already intended to give them something, had it in mind for quite a long time actually, so I just thought, it'll be nice if we gave each other presents! So even if no one else gave us anything, at least we'll all have something (though I think this situation is highly unlikely for the both of them.. selfish me! :P). And I was so touched by what they gave me!

From YJ: Wallet! Did I complain that much about my current wallet? I'm sure I didn't! Except when the card holder fell off.. And such a nice one too! And it has a coin pouch.. I only mentioned in passing that I wanted wallets with a coin pouch.. Thank you thank you thank you!
From LY: NORAH JONES!!! Every time I walked past a CD shop I'll be debating whether to buy it or not.. and you bought it for me! My..
Now you guys make me feel bad.. my presents were so simple.. well I'll just have to make up for it! Thank you thank you thank you!

And I saw her today. The one who has been the cause of much sadness for the past 5 years. Not her fault, of course, the demons were of my own making. Now it's just good to see you, with hair that's longer and permed, looking much the same as before but more radiant. And to see you're still with him, after so many years, and happy, too! It tells me that my decision then was the right one, so I need torment myself over it no longer. It's makes me happy to know you're doing well.

And there's more to come! The day's not over yet. Here's to the rest of the day!

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Sheares Hall Acers


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