Wonderful evening with good friends tonight. Thank you PF, Windz, Duane and Jack! I love the present! Hmm I wanna get a digicam now, so I can show everyone the nice nice present. And also take photos of everyone *glares at Duane*. To-do: Get a wall hook and hang up my nice present. Also grab a digicam from home and take pictures of it, haha.
Sometimes I'll wonder what I am to other people, but now I think it doesn't matter. Wat matters is who each of them are to me, and then I just treat them accordingly. That'll eliminate a lot of headaches.
She forgot my birthday. Or did I tell her? But she has my friendster as well, so she should know. Wanted to call her, but didn't, then couldn't. Oh well such is fate. Don't want no more headaches. I'll just go with the flow and see where it takes me.