Post number 111. I'm impressed by myself for lasting this long.
Saw my room today. I'm quite happy with it, actually, it's bigger than I expected. And it's mine, so I like it, haha. Moved some things in today, going back on Saturday with the rest of the stuff, then hall orientation starts Sunday.
These 2 days before I move in are packed to exploding, as I try to clear obligations to other people and hopefully to myself as well. And um, apologies to everyone and everything that I've neglected, that will not fit into these 2 days.
My annual allowance has arrived!! I was drawing on the dregs of my reserves already, so thank goodness it's finally arrived. Now comes the bigger challenge -- controlling the urge to spend, and spend, and spend! The money's meant to last a year, you know, and it's not a big sum at all when put into context.