Friday, June 24, 2005 These few weeks have been like rafting down the rapids -- been dragged up, down and through life at a speed faster than I'm used to, just going along with wherever the current takes me. Now I'm a little dis-oriented, don't know where I am now, and where I am headed next. So I'm gonna take the weekend "off", and sort out everything, get my bearings and hopefully rest up for the weeks ahead. It's gonna be back-to-back camps for me, first to the SoC (School of Computing) Orientation camp, then hopefully to the Gen-Acts camp. And in between there's the scholarship award ceremony, and the dance performance we're putting up at the event. And there's hostel matters to settle as well, including moving in and settling down. And meanwhile there're driving lessons to attend (I missed one today already, $33 down the drain just like that), ying's DVD-writer to get (does she herself still remember??), a laptop to buy, my business to develop.. The list goes on and on. Good, it's time I started warming-up anyway, because it can only get more hectic once I start school. On the train one of these days, can't remember which day it was, but I remember one scene. This mother and her son, about 4 years old, boarded the train at the same station as I did. The boy was all excited about his train ride, and he tried to tell his mother about everything he saw. His mother, on the other hand, was interested in her son's spelling. "Mummy, train 来了!" Not word for word, but she really did threaten to hit her son. I pity the child, to have such a mother, who cares not for his emotional development but only for his intellectual development. This, I feel, is the kind of parent who will burden her child with hours of lessons and tuition, and leave no time for fun and games and exploration. The boy will sadly have little childhood to speak of, if his mother continues to be thus obsessed. So depressing...
I hadn't checked out your site in a while and I saw you had stopped by mine... I really like the new look. How long ago did you change it?
Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I changed my site design about a month ago (though I've been talking about it for 4 months already).
Poor boy... but a lot of times, parents nowadayz expect too much from their child... even among the ppl whom we know, some parents are already like that...
and sorry for the driving lesson... =P
sorry? nothing to be sorry about man.. blame silly me for not setting a reminder. and time for the past few weeks have been just zipping past, most days I ain't even sure what day it was!
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