Monday, April 27, 2009 YUI - again Opening theme of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. 夢の続き 追いかけていたはずなのに Yume no Tsuzuki Oikaketeita Hazu Nano ni I should still be chasing after my dream. 曲がりくねった細い道 人に躓く Magarikunetta Hosoi Michi Hito ni Tsumazuku But someone tripped me on this narrow road that is full of bends. 「あの頃みたいに」って 戻りたいわけじゃないの 無くしてきた空を探してる “Ano Goro Mitai Ni”tte Modoritai Wake Ja Nai no Nakushitekita Sora wo Sagashiteru I’m searching for the sky that I’ve lost sight of, but it’s not as if I want to return back to the “old time” 分かってくれますように 犠牲になったような 悲しい顔はやめてよ Wakattekuremasu You ni Gisei ni Natta You na Kanashii Kao wa Yamete yo I shouldn’t put up a sorrowful act and expect people to understand that I was a victim because of it. 罪の最後は涙じゃないよ ずっと苦しく背負ってくんだ Tsumi no Saigo wa Namida Ja Nai yo Zutto Kuroshiku Seottekunda Sins does not end with just tears. I’ll always have to bear that pain. 出口見えない感情迷路に 誰を待ってるの Deguchi Mienai Kanjou Meiro ni Dare wo Matteru no Who am I waiting for in this maze of emotions that doesn’t have a visible exit? 白いノートに綴ったように もっと素直に吐き出したいよ Shiroi Nooto ni Tsuzutta you ni Motto Sunao ni Hakidashitai no I need to be more honest and write down how I really feel in that white notebook. 何から逃れたいんだ 現実ってやつか Nani Kara Nogaeretain da Genjitsutte Yatsu ka I’m running away from something. Is it reality? 何のために 生きてるんだって Nan no Tame ni Ikiterundatte We live for some purpose. 忘れちゃいそうな 夜の真ん中 Wasurechai Sou na Yoru no Mannaka Even so, it seems that I’ve forgetten about it in the dead of the night. 無難になんてやってられないから 帰る場所も無いの Funan ni Nante Yatterannai Kara Kaeru Basho mo Nai no I’ve no place to return to because I didn’t handle things in an inoffensive way. この思いを消してしまうには まだ人生長いでしょ Kono Omoi wo Keshiteshimau ni wa Mada Jinsei Nagai Desho Isn’t it still too early in life for me to forget those memories? 懐かしくなる こんな痛みも歓迎じゃん Natsukashiku Naru Konna Itami mo Kangei Jan Why can’t I get use to this pain and accept it? 謝らなくちゃいけないよね あぁ、ごめんね Ayamaranakucha Ikenai yo ne Aa gomen ne Oh, I must apologize. Ah, sorry. 上手くいえなくて 心配かけたままだったね Umaku Ienakute Shinpaikaketa Mama Datta ne I made you felt uneasy because I wasn’t able to say things in a tacful manner. あの日抱えた全部 明日抱える全部 順番つけたりはしないから Ano Hi Kakaeta Zenbu Ashita Kakaeru Zenbu Junban Tsuketari wa Shinai kara Eventhing that took place that day. Everything that will take place tomorrow. Everything was not done in sequence. 分かってくれますように そっと目を閉じたんだ 見たくないものまで 見えんだもん Wakattekuremasu you ni Sotto me wo Tojitanda Mitakunai Mono Made Mienda Mon In order to understand what happen, shut those eyes so that you are able to see what can’t be seen. いらない噂にちょっと 初めて聞く発言どっち Iranai Uwasa ni Chotto Hajimete Kiku Hatsugen Docchi I’m going to start to make a proposal about unnecessary rumors. 向かい合ったら友達だって 嘘はやめてね Mukai Attara Tomodachi Datte Uso wa Yamete ne I won’t lie even towards friends. 赤いハートが苛立つように 体の中燃えているんだ Akai Hatto ga Iradatsu you ni Karada no Naka Moeteirunda A wave of excitement is washing through my body, stirring my red heart. 本当は期待しているの 現実ってやつか Hontou wa Kitaishiteiru no Genjitsutte Yatsu ka I’m actually waiting for it. Reality that is. 何のために 生きているんだって Nan no Tame ni Ikiterundatte We live for some purpose. 叫びたくなるよ 聞こえていますか Sakebitakunaru yo Kikoeteimasu ka Even so, I feel like shouting. Can you hear me? 無難になんてやってられないから 帰る場所も無いの Funan ni Nante Yatterannai Kara Kaeru Basho mo Nai no I’ve no place to return to because I didn’t handle things in an inoffensive way. 優しさにはいつも感謝している だから強くなりたい Yasashisa ni wa Itsu mo Kanshashiteiru Dakara Tsuyoku Naritai I’m always thankful for the kindness that I am shown, that is why I want to become strong. 進むために 敵も味方も歓迎じゃん Susumu Tame ni Teki mo Mikata mo Kangei Jans Shouldn’t I welcome both enemies and allies, for the sake of moving forward? どうやって次のドア開けるんだっけ 考えてる Dou Yatte Tsugi no Doa Akerundakke Kangaeteru I’m thinking only about how I can open the next door. もう引き返せない 物語始まってるんだ Mou Hikikaesenai Monogatari Hajimatterunda It’s already too late. The story has already started. 目を覚ませ 目を覚ませ Me wo Samase Me wo Samase Wake up! Wake up! この思いを消してしまうには まだ人生長いでしょ Kono Omoi wo Keshiteshimau ni wa Mada Jinsei Nagai Desho Isn’t it still too early in life for me to forget those memories? やり残してることやり直してみたいから もう一度ゆこうか Yarinokoshiteru Koto Yarinaoshitemitai Kara Mouichido Yukou ka Why don’t I once again try to redo things that can be redone? 何のために 生きているんだって Nan no Tame ni Ikiterundatte We live for some purpose. 叫びたくなるよ 聞こえていますか Sakebitakunaru yo Kikoeteimasu ka Even so, I feel like shouting. Can you hear me? 無難になんてやってられないから 帰る場所も無いの Funan ni Nante Yatterannai Kara Kaeru Basho mo Nai no I’ve no place to return to because I didn’t handle things in an inoffensive way. 優しさにはいつも感謝している だから強くなりたい Yasashisa ni wa Itsu mo Kanshashiteiru Dakara Tsuyoku Naritai I’m always thankful for the kindness that I am shown, that is why I want to become strong. 懐かしくなる こんな痛みも歓迎じゃん Natsukashiku Naru Konna Itami mo Kangei Jan Why can’t I get use to this pain and accept it? Lyrics from Modified slightly from Friday, April 17, 2009 ![]() Hover over the image to read the alt text as well. Things actually got even busier AFTER I submitted the damn report. I've been rushing to meet deadlines for 2 consecutive days. And it doesn't look to be getting any better until 6 May. I hope it really does get better after that.. Tuesday, April 07, 2009 ![]() Thursday, April 02, 2009 I agree that, for someone who has 2 deadlines tomorrow and another one on Wednesday, I really look pretty relaxed. But it is my opinion that acting stressed and looking stressed is not going to make my task any easier. And when I stare off into nothing, I am thinking, not daydreaming. Must I really write my stress all over my face and moan about it every 2 minutes? Well, if I keep getting bothered, then I can't help but do just that. FYP Presentation practice: Friday 1100h FYP Draft 2: Friday 2359h FYP Report Submission: Wednesday 1700h CS 4248 Assignment 3: 16 April 1100h FYP Presentation: 21 April 1400h LAJ 2201 Exam: 28 April Conference Paper Deadline: 1 May (unconfirmed) CS 4248 Exam: 6 May And hopefully nobody tries to add to the list. |
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