Monday, September 29, 2008 宋·苏轼 《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。江山如画,一时多少豪杰. 世界上的许多问题,烦恼,不愉快,其实都是自找的。正如佛教所说的因果--有因必有果,有果必有因。凡是今天的遭遇,都由以前的行动来决定。更重要的是,一切好坏都无法归咎于他人,更不能归咎于天地命运。上天顶多只能够给你一副烂牌,但是烂牌打得对也能够有好的表现。打输了牌,与其怨天尤人,与其生气或沮丧,倒不如从中吸取成长的教训,以更好应付下一次的挑战? 如果说失败挫折是一个石头,不要让它做一个绊脚石,而让它做你的踏脚石,助你往更高更远的地方去。 Sunday, September 28, 2008 ![]() Sunday, September 21, 2008 Has it already started? This period of life that I've known about and feared since I was a child, this thing called "adulthood", made up of a never-ending chain of "important things to do", from which there is no rest and no respite until the day one retires or dies, whichever comes first. No more month-long holidays, no more staring at the ceiling and wondering what to do, no more watching the world go by with nothing on one's mind. When did it start? When was the last time I had a real break, when I could wake up in the morning and not know what to do with the day, when I had nothing on my to-do list, heck, when I didn't even have a to-do list? I'm just tired. Too tired to put on my armour, too tired to force a smile. Too tired to be Superman, too tired to be a gentleman. Too tired to be patient, too tired to be nice. Too tired to keep the steam from venting. Too tired to want to do the stupid comp. sec. homework which I still think is a bloody waste of time. Too tired to [over-dramatization. deleted.] Ironically I want to play soccer. Or hockey. Wednesday, September 17, 2008 The long, long to-do list is making me slightly kooky. I'm starting to scare myself. i need a break, but the dilemma is that I can't take a break without feeling guilty about it, and stressed about all the work that's waiting to be done. Well, back to work. Monday, September 15, 2008 Life has been pretty rough recently. I think it's time for a KTV session. Do you know why soldiers sing as they march? It helps them keep time, and also forget the time, especially when the more raunchy songs are sung and everyone laughs. I remember my 24km march, when we ran out of classic army songs to sing, so we started singing campfire songs and pop songs and anything else that popped into our heads. Basically singing is good lah. Tuesday, September 09, 2008 An xkcd comic about the status of Pluto led to the airplane on a treadmill argument, which makes for fun reading. Friday, September 05, 2008 ![]() Tuesday, September 02, 2008 ![]() I bought a 50-cent paper cup from a dispensing machine today. It was supposed to come with free Horlicks, but that didn't materialise. It's one of those things that's only funny if you see it. Monday, September 01, 2008 It's 258 steps, give or take a few, from the bus stop beside SRC (along the expressway) to my lab at AS6. Since school started 3 weeks ago, every time my dad drops me off on his way to work, I've climbed those steps, rather than take the shuttle bus. I may be nuts, but I actually enjoy the climb, especially the stretch through the trees between YIH and the central library. The smell of nature in the morning brings back memories of the days in camouflage: tough and tiring days, but simple days where the objective each day is simply to survive till bedtime. So, these mornings, as I stomp, panting and sweating, through the trees, I am reminded of that time when work was tough and friends were far away, but I was at peace with myself. |
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