Thursday, October 07, 2004 Let me get down to translating the previous entry.. [begin] 3 kinds of love Love can be split into 3 kinds. Example: On the day we are travelling overseas, 3 people came to see us off. The first cries and doesn't want to let you go, holds your hand and says he'll miss you, promises to call you every day, sends you to the door, then goes back into the house to continue watching his favourite singer's tv concert. The second helps you pack your bags, makes breakfast for you, sends you to the airport, says "Take Care!" Then goes back to work. The third sits far away from you, silently watching you. He doesn't say or do anything, and you almost don't feel his presence. But he thinks about you, worries about you all the time. He prays for your safety every day, and finds peace in praying. On the day we come back, For the first person, we buy many presents, we bring him out for dinner, to the amusement park. When we see him we feel very happy, our day brightens up considerably. For the second person, we give him a hug, help him empty the trash, we are happy when fortune befalls him, and we feel lucky to have his company. For the third person, we give a polite smile, we say "Hi." Then we don't know what else to say. When we lose these 3 people: Losing the first person, we feel we have lost life's colours. After being gray for a period of time, we happen upon life's new colours on the street, and begin a new journey with that. Losing the second person, we feel like we've lost an arm, and become too weak to handle life's burdens. After eating lots of tonics, we find strength to carry on with life again. Losing the third person, we don't feel anything at first, until one day we finally realise that, since we lost the third person, we have also lost our soul, also lost an invisible fort, which can never be replaced ever again. The first love belongs to a mistress, a son, a friend, the young. The second love belongs to a husband, a wife, a friend, the middle-aged. The third love belongs to parents, lovers, best friends, forever. The price of the first love is words. The price of the second love is time. The price of the third love is life. None of the 3 is more beautiful or more precious than the other 2, because we need all 3 kinds of love. But the third kind is the silliest. Because the price of silent expression is the silliest. [end] Not very well done, I'm afraid, but as best as I can do. Saturday, October 02, 2004 Here's something so meaningful I just had to post it. Credit goes to misty, whose blog I lifted this from. Apologies to those who can't read Chinese, I'll translate it some other day. ![]() Friday, October 01, 2004 This is to a dear friend who is now on his way to the other side of the world. Sorry I was late, and we didn't have a chance to say a proper goodbye. What is a proper goodbye, anyway? Still, in case you don't know, though I guess you would, here are my warmest wishes for you. Bon voyage, and have fun there. You are missed even before you stepped into the plane. With you gone, I've lost one rare friend who'll make time for me no matter what, one best friend who has shared so much with me. Please remember me while you're there, and keep in contact. And to misty as well. Such a coincidence that you're both on the same flight, going to the same college, and be in the same hall as well. Bon voyage to you as well, keep blogging! There'll be more goodbyes next year, a fact most aptly pointed out by alvinny, when the whole bunch of us guys leave the army. Then more than half of my best friends will leave me to become scattered across the globe. But that's something to be dealt with when the time comes. 正因天下无不散之筵席,所以今朝有酒今朝醉。 |
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